The Senate Judiciary Committee is expected to vote momentarily on his nomination to the Supreme Court. 参议院司法委员会有望很快就提名他进入最高法院进行投票。
He's a very smart lawyer, good prosecutor, but on the Judiciary Committee you need to be able to see both sides of issues and work well, especially with people on both sides of the aisle. 他是非常聪明的律师,优秀的检察官,但在司法委员会,你必须能够看到事情的两个方面,并与各方的人员有效合作。
Republican Senator Orrin Hatch-like Senator Specter-is a former chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. 共和党参议员哈奇和斯佩克特一样,曾经当过参议院司法委员会主席。
1998-Lewinsky scandal: The United States House of Representatives Judiciary Committee begins impeachment hearings against US President Bill Clinton. 1998年的今天,莱温斯基性丑闻案:美国众议院司法委员会开始了对美国总统比尔·克林顿的弹劾案听讼。
But, as Mr Holder told the Senate judiciary committee last year: The greatest deterrent effect is to prosecute the individuals in corporations that are responsible for those decisions. 但正如霍尔德去年告诉参议院司法委员会的那样:最能起到震慑效果的是起诉企业中为这些决定负责的人。
Biden served as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee and is chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. 拜登曾是参议院司法委员会的主席,现在是参议院外交委员会的主席。
But names of candidates for the federal judiciary are submitted to a committee of the American Bar Association and appointment is usually made only with its approval. 但是联邦法官的候选人名单要提交给美国律师协会的一委员会,而且一般只有在经其同意的情况下才得以任命。
The chairman of the Judiciary Committee, Senator Arlen Specter, disagreed with his Republican colleague. 司法委员会主席斯佩克特参议员不同意弗里斯特的观点。
Judiciary Committee Chairman John conyers, however, noted that the FBI was aware of the abuses as early as2004. 司法委员会主席约翰。科尼尔斯指出,联邦调查局早在2004年初就意识到存在滥用职权问题。
The Judiciary Committee is scheduled to meet first thing Monday morning. 司法委员会见面安排在星期一早上。
The Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act was unanimously approved by the Judiciary Committee last year, but it failed to reach the Senate floor. 去年,国会司法委员会一致批准了《打击网上侵权及仿冒法案》,但是,在参议院全体表决时却没有被通过。
House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers said lawmakers should not be "stampeded" into approving permanent legislation now, saying more time is required to examine documents among other things. 众议院司法委员会主席约翰?康耶斯表示立法委员不应该现在在同意永久法案时打上标记,并表示应该花更多的时间在检视其他文件中。
Seven of them took the extraordinary step of testifying on his behalf before the Senate Judiciary Committee. 其中的七位法官在参议院司法委员会面前特别为奥利特法官作证。
President Obama's Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor had her second day in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee today. 今天是奥巴马总统的大法官提名人索尼娅·索托马约尔在美国参议员司法委员会的第二天。
On thursday, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary committee, Patrick leahy, called for Congress to debate and vote before any possible military action. 星期四,参议院司法委员会主席帕特里克?里尼呼吁国会在任何可能的军事行动前进行讨论并投票表决。
An attorney for Miers has informed the House Judiciary Committee Chairman that Miers will not show up Thursday. 米利斯的律师已通知白宫司法委员会主席她星期三将不会出席。
Sonia Sotomayor is testifying in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee. 索尼娅·索托马约尔现在在参议院司法委员会做听证。
The security and terrorism Subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary committee. 参议院司法委员会下属安全与反恐怖分委员会。
The Senate Judiciary Committee hearings will be crucially important in preventing jurists with a radically-right wing judicial philosophy from making it to the bench. 参议院司法委员会的听审在阻止持极右翼司法哲学的法学家被任命为最高法院法官方面起到非常重大的作用。
Separately, Attorney General-designate Eric Holder testified at his confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee. 另外,被奥巴马提名担任司法部长的霍尔德今天(星期四)在参议院司法委员会确认听证会上作证。
A reform involving the legislation, the trial doctrine mode, the judiciary committee system, the conviction and sentencing separation system and so on is recommended. With its implementation, the existing difficulties in our criminal court sentencing system can be improved. 主要从立法方面、庭审主义模式、审判委员会制度、定罪量刑分离制度等几个方面的改革来着手解决,以期通过这些措施的实施来解决我国刑事当庭宣判制度运行过程中存在的困难。